2014 Emily Falvey, Textiles Get Tactical at Gallery 101, Canadian Art, October 17, Canada

2014 Petra Halkes, Unraveling Tension,Espace, no 107, July 2014 Canada

2014 M Dimitrijevic, Tri boje crvene, Politika, July 16, 2014, Belgrade Serbia

2014 Savo Popovic, Skulpture od vune, Novosti, July 7, 2014 Belgrade Serbia

2014 Ljiljana Cinkul, O boji oblicima I osecanjima,Politika,  July 20, 2014, Belgrade Serbia


2013 Sherry Tompalski, Bozica Radjenovic’s natural starvings at the April edition of RIA Artist Project Room, Guerilla, May7 Ottawa,

2013 Petra Halkes, An Element of Destruction, RIA Artist Room Project,Ottawa , Canada


2012 Bojana Buric, Thread, Belgrade Cultural Centre, Serbia

2012 Ljiljana Cinkul, Politika, 20 July, Serbia

2012 Leona Nikolic , Nostalgica, La Petite Mort Gallery, Canada 


2011 Jesa Denegri, Sculpture After Late Modernism, Belgrade, Serbia

2011 Tine Møller Sørensen, HJEM-DOM-HOME, Copenhagen, Denmark

2011 Jaenine Parkinson, Plenty To See At EBA Open Studios, APT 613, Ottawa

2011 Barbara Cuerden, Radjenovic’s Newly Knitted Reality ,Oct 17, Guerilla, Ottawa

2011 Bojana Buric, Three Colours or In Search For Third Space, Ottawa

2011 Patrick Connors, Lorène Bourgeois and Bozica Radjenovic, News4 28Aug,Toronto


2010 The Sole Of An Artist, Corridor Gallery Adam Volk, Jan, 28,Ottawa

2010 Bojana Buric, June ,Belgrade, Serbia

2010 Ljiljana Cubrilo, Ariadne’s Thread, Politika, June , Belgrade, Serbia


2009 Marianne Breton, About Diligence, March /April, Aylmer, Canada

2009 Claude Bouchard, Le Droit, July, Aylmer, Canada


2008 Matthew Pearson, Designs Chosen for Bank Street bike racks, The Ottawa Citizen, July 21


2007 Dominique Poirier, Petit cochon inspiration! La Revue


2006 Claude Bouchard, Entre plastique et miniatures, Le Droit, 07


2003 Anita Euteneier, Sculpting Stile, X Press

2003 Paul Gessell, Ottawa Citizen Nov.27


1998 Jasmina Cubrilo, Belgrade, Art in The Nineties, A Personnel View, Art at the End of the Century

1998 Mileta Prodanovic,In Interspace Between "High" And" Underground" Art, Art at the end of the Century

1993 Svetlana Mladenov, Figure

1993 Dejan Sretenovic, Soft Sculpture, Salon Muzeja Savremene Umetnosti

1993 Joyce MacPhee, Traces-Sculptures and Drawings, Market PlaceNo.5

1993 Sava Stepanov, About a Sculpture Reviling Levels of Meaning, Sveske

1992 Dejan Sretenovic, Question Of The Sculptures, Vreme 27.04.

1992 Nada Seferovic, Critics Have Chosen, Belgrade.

1991 Dubravka Lakic, Delight of Reading Tree Rings Politika 31.12.

1991 Jesa Denegri, Bienal of Youth, Rieka

1991 Mirjana Celar-Marijanovic, Autobiographic Expressions, Ekspres Politika

1991 Mirjana Radojcic, XXXII October Salon, Traces And  Sculptures, Belgrade

1991 Aleksandra Andrejevic, Bozica Radjenovic’s Sculptures, Likovni Zivot No.36

1991 Bata Ljubisic, Likovni Zivot No.33,34,35

1991 Savo Popovic, Bozica Radjenovic’s Sculptures, Borba 16. 09.1991

1991 Ljubomir Gligorijevic, Kolarac Peoples’ University Art Gallery, Joy For The Storm, Belgrade 1991

1991 Lidija Merenik, Sculptures: Vasiljevic, Jelenkovic, Radjenovic, Moment No. 22, Belgrade 1991

1991 Mileta Prodanovic, Between Sign and Narration, Knjizevne Novine No 815

1991 Zoran Markus, On The Trace of Modernism, Politika 18.02. 1991

1991 Lidija Merenik, Youth Hall Gallery, Belgrade 1991


1990 Lidija Merenik, XXII youth Salon, One Segment of The Belgrade’s Sculpture, Scene, Zagreb


1989 Marko Kratohvil, Gallery of The Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade 1989

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