1991 M. A. from University of Art / The Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade, sculpture
1989 B. A. from University of Art / The Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade, sculpture
1984 High School for Industrial Design, Belgrade
Solo Exhibitions and Special Projects
2021 Flood Line, drawings and sculptures, Karsh Masson Gallery, Ottawa
2016 What if.., drawings and small sculptures, Central Art Garage, Ottawa
2016 Contemporary Fabric, Ottawa Art Gallery Annex, Ottawa
2015 Wild Threads, site specific installation, collaboration with Mississauga Art Gallery
2015 Take Sweater It’s Cold, South of 60 Art Centre, Barry’s Bay, Canada
2014 Three Colours of Red, drawings, sculptures, Gallery of KCB Belgrade, Serbia, (with V. Perunovich and O. Parlic)
2014 Three Colours of Red, drawings, sculptures, Contemporary Gallery, Zrenjanin, Serbia, (with V. Perunovich and O. Parlic)
2014 Three Colours of Red, drawings, sculptures, Contemporary Art Gallery, Subotica, Serbia, (with V. Perunovich and O. Parlic)
2014 Keeping the Fire, drawings, Blink Gallery, Ottawa, Canada (with M. Lezon)
2013 Unravelling Tension, Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, sculptures, Almonte, Canada
2013 An Element of Destruction, RIA Artist Project Room, drawings, sculpture and performance, Ottawa Canada
2012 Thread- Nit, Cultural Centre Belgrade, sculptures, Belgrade, Serbia
2012 Blue, Gallery of Faculty of Arts, sculptures, Belgrade, Serbia
2012 Emotional Mending, Fieldworks, installations, Perth, Canada
2012 In the Dark, Blink Gallery, installation, collaboration with Jean Jewer, Ottawa, Canada
2011 “Take A Sweater It’s Cold” sculptures, Karsh Masson Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2011 Sweater for a Pine Tree, Harbourfront Centre, sculpture, Toronto, Canada
2011 This Too Shell Pass, Blink Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2011“Infusion” duo show at Ottawa School of Art Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2010 Compulsion, sculptures, Blink Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2010 Blok Gallery, sculptures and installations, Belgrade, Serbia
2010 Corridor Galley, installations Ottawa, Canada
2009 Belonging/Nostalgia, Blink Galley, sculptures Ottawa, Canada
2009 About Diligence, paintings, objects and installation, Centre d’exposition L`Imagier, Aylmer, Canada
2004 Ariadne’s Thread, paintings, Dale Smith Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2003 Between Dream and Daydreaming, Centre d’exposition L`Imagier Gallery, small sculptures Aylmer, Canada
2003 Out Aut Gallery of Modern Art, sculptures, Toronto, Canada
1993 Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Arts Gallery, sculptures (with D.Jelenkovic and M.Vasiljevic), Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1993 Foyer Gallery, small sculptures and drawings, Ottawa, Canada
1991 Kolarac University Art Gallery, sculptures, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1991 Youth Hall Gallery, sculptures and drawings (with D.Jelenkovic and M.Vasiljevic) ,Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1989 Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts, sculptures and drawings , Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Awards and Grants
2020 Microcosms, City of Ottawa Covid 19 mini grant
2017 Canada council for the Arts, Project Grant
2017 Ontario Council for the Arts, Mid Career Production Grant
2016 City of Ottawa, Production Grant A
2015 Ottawa Art East, Art Place
2014 Travelling Grant, Canada Council for the Arts
2013 Production grant B, City of Ottawa
2013 Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance
2013 Politika Award, best exhibition in 2012 in Serbia (short listed)
2012 Ontario Arts Council, Emerging Artist
2012 Exhibition Assistance, Ontario Arts Council
2010 Grant B, City of Ottawa
2010 Exhibition Assistance, Ontario Arts Council
2009 Grant B, City of Ottawa
2008 First Prize for the Best Intervention On Chair. Aylmer, Centre d’exposition L’Imagier
2008 Finalist Innovative Spirit Award, Finalist, Toronto Alternative Arts & Fashion Festival
2002 Open October Salon award “Big Finger”
1992 The best exhibition in 1991, Serbian Arts Council Award
Public Collection
The Museum of Modern Art, Belgrade 1991
Trajkovic Collection, Belgrade, 2009, 2010
City of Ottawa Fine Art Collection 2011, 2012
Zepter Museum, Belgrade 2012
Public Commissions
Bicycle Rack Design, Ottawa
Selected Group Exhibitions
2020 Intrenational Art Fair Toronto, represented by Central Art Garage
2019 IPCNY, UMBRA new prints, New York, USA
2018 Include/Exclude, performance, inauguration of Ottawa art Gallery, Ottawa
2017 PASSE INAPERÇU, Biennale internationale du lin de Portneuf, Quebec
2016 Contemporary Fabric, Ottawa Art Gallery Annex, Ottawa {September)
2015 FAT, Alternative Art and Fashion Show, Toronto
2014 16th Art Biennale Pancevo, Time Lines: Documents, Pancevo, Serbia
2014 21st Tapestry Biennale, Kuca Kralja Petra, Belgrade, Serbia
2014 One, Central Art Garage, Ottawa, Canada
2014 The Textile Show, Gallery 101, Ottawa, Canada
2014 Never Forever, RIA, Ottawa , Canada
2013 La nuit blanshe, performance, Blink Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2013 Quartair, Interference curated by Petra Halkes, The Hague, The Netherlands
2013 Danish Immigration Museum, Hjem, Dom, Home, curated by Tine Moller Sorensen, Farum, Denmark
2013 New Acquisitions, Zepter Museum, Belgrade, Serbia
2013 Anonymous Drawings, 2013 curated by Anke Becker, Nord Galerie, Berlin, Germany
2013 Anonymous Drawings, 2013 curated by Anke Becker The TAC in Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2012 Nostalgica, Curated by Leona Nikolic, La Petite Mort Gallery, Ottawa
2012 Void, Enriched Bread Artist
2012 Personal Entourage, Trajkovic Collection, Museum of Yugoslav History, Belgrade, Serbia
2012 Close To Home, Ottawa City Hall Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2012 pArty, Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2012 Too Close, Blink Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2011 Hjem, Dom, Home, curated by Tine Moller Sorensen, Copenhagen, Denmark
2011 Sculpture After Late Modernism, Gallery 73, Belgrade ,Serbia
2011 Draw, EBA, drawings, group exhibition, Ottawa,Canada
2011 Chinatown Remixed, drawings, Ottawa,Canada
2011 Black Velvet, Blink Gallery, drawings and installation, Ottawa, Canada
2011 Homage to Louise Bourgeois, Shankmans Art Centre, Ottawa, Canada
2011 In(habitus), curated by Diane Bond and Things Happen, curated by Petra Halkes, BLINK Gallery Ottawa, Canada
2010 The Fragile Timeline, Matica Srpska, drawings, Novi Sad, Serbia
2010 The Fragile Timeline, Museum of Yugoslav History, drawings, Belgrade, Serbia
2010 Atmosphere, Centre d’exposition L’Imager, installation, Aylmer,Canada
2010 Chinatown Remixed, installation, Ottawa, Canada
2010 Adam’s Rib, Marin Gallery, Umag, Croatia
2010 Window Project, installation, Ottawa, Canada
2010 C4 Gallery , Ottawa, Canada
2009 Toronto Alternative Art and Fashion Show, Distillery, Toronto, Canada
2008 Ride Me-The Art Of Urban Transport, La Petite Mort Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
2008 Strange Encounter, Centre d’exposition L’Imager, Aylmer, Canada
2008 Toronto Alternative Art and Fashion Show, Distillery, Toronto, Canada
2007 27th Annuel Juried Show , Arts Etobicoke Gallery, Toronto,Canada
2007 Pigs’ Tales, Centre d’exposition L’Imager, Aylmer,Canada
2006 Intimacy, Centre d’exposition L’Imager, Aylmer, Canada
2005 Centre d’exposition L’Imagier Métamorphose, Aylmer, Canada
2004 Centre d’exposition L’Imagier, Le meuble, Aylmer, Canada
2003 Premier Exhibition, Dale Smith Gallery, Ottawa,
2003 Open October Salon, Out Aut Gallery of Modern Art, Toronto,
2003 Art Salon 2003, Praxis Gallery, Toronto,
2002 Out Aut Gallery of Modern Art, Open October Salon, Toronto, Canada
1994 First Youth Yugoslavian Biennial , National Art Gallery, Vrsac, Yugoslavia
1993 Yugoslavian Sculpture Biennial ,Olga Petrov Gallery, Pancevo, Yugoslavia
1993, The New Figuration, Olga Petrov Gallery, Pancevo,
1992 Contemporary Yugoslavian Drawings Biennial, Sombor, Yugoslavia
1992 Kolarac University Art Gallery, annual exhibition, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1992 The Art Colony, Olga Petrov Gallery, Pancevo, Yugoslavia
1992 Cvijeta Zuzoric Art Pavilion, Drawings and Small Sculptures, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1992 Critics Have Chosen Cultural Center Art Pavilion, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1991 International Biennale of Small Sculptures, Misko Kranjcevic Gallery, Murska Sobota, Slovenia
1991 The XXXl October Salon, Lada Gallery, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1991 Drawings and Small Sculptures Cvijeta Zuzoric Art Pavilion, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1990 XXII Youth Salon, Art Pavilion, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
1990 Exhibition of the newly accepted members of ULUS, ULUS Gallery, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Media and Publications
2020 Jenny McMaster, Flood Line, catalogue
2014 Emily Falvey, Textile Gets Tactical at Gallery 101, Canadian Art, Oct.
2014 Petra Halkes, Uraveling Tension, Espace No 107
2014 Ania Szneps, Apt 613, May 28
2013 Sherry Topalski, Bozica Radjenovic’s natural starving at the April edition of RIA Artist Project Room, Guerilla, May 7, Ottawa, Canada
2013 Petra Halkes, An Element of Destruction, RIA Artist Room Project, Ottawa, Canada
2012 Bojana Buric, Thread, Belgrade Cultural Centre, Serbia
2012 Ljiljana Cinkul, Politika, 20 July, Serbia
2012 Leona Nikolic , Nostalgica, La Petite Mort Gallery, Canada
2011 Jesa Denegri, Sculpture After Late Modernism, Belgrade, Serbia
2011 Tine Møller Sørensen, HJEM-DOM-HOME, Copenhagen, Denmark
2011 Jaenine Parkinson, Plenty To See at EBA Open Studios, APT 613, Ottawa
2011 Barbara Cuerden, Radjenovic’s Newly Knitted Reality ,Oct 17, Guerilla, Ottawa
2011 Bojana Buric, Three Colours or In Search For Third Space, Ottawa
2011 Patrick Connors, Lorène Bourgeois and Bozica Radjenovic, News4 28Aug, Toronto
2010 The Sole Of An Artist, Corridor Gallery Adam Volk, X Press Jan, 28,Ottawa
2010 Bojana Buric, June ,Belgrade, Serbia
2010 Ljiljana Cinkul, Ariadne’s Thread, Politika, June , Belgrade, Serbia
2009 Marianne Breton, About Diligence, March /April, Aylmer, Canada
2009 Claude Bouchard, Le Droit, July, Aylmer, Canada
2008 Matthew Pearson, Designs Chosen for Bank Street bike racks, The Ottawa Citizen, July 21
2007 Dominique Poirier, Petit cochon inspiration! La Revue
2006 Claude Bouchard, Entre plastique et miniatures, Le Droit, 07
2003 Anita Euteneier, Scualpting Style, X Press
2003 Paul Gessell, Ottawa Citizen Nov. 27
1998 Jasmina Cubrilo, Belgrade, Art in The Nineties, A Personnel View, Art at The End Of The Century
1998 Mileta Prodanovic,In Interspace Between "High" And" Underground" Art, Art At The End Of The Century
1993 Svetlana Mladenov, Figure
1993 Dejan Sretenovic, Soft Sculpture, Salon Muzeja Savremene Umetnosti
1993 Joyce MacPhee, Traces-Sculptures and Drawings, Market Place No. 5
1993 Sava Stepanov, About a Sculpture Reviling Levels of Meaning, Sveske
1992 Dejan Sretenovic, Question Of The Sculptures, Vreme 27.04.
1992 Nada Seferovic, Critics Have Chosen, Belgrade
1991 Dubravka Lakic, Delight of Reading Tree Rings Politika 31 12.
1991 Jesa Denegri, Bienal of Youth, Rieka
1991 Mirjana Celar-Marijanovic, Autobiographic Expressions, Ekspres Politika
1991 Mirjana Radojcic, XXXII October Salon, Traces And Sculptures, Belgrade
1991 Aleksandra Andrejevic, Bozica Radjenovic’s Sculptures, Likovni Zivot No.36
1991 Bata Ljubisic, Likovni Zivot No. 33, 34, 35
1991 Savo Popovic, Bozica Radjenovic’s Sculptures, Borba 16.09.1991
1991 Ljubomir Gligorijevic, Kolarac Poeples’University Art Gallery, Joy For The Storm, Belgrade 1991
1991 Lidija Merenik, Sculptures: Vasiljevic, Jelenkovic, Radjenovic, Moment No. 22. Belgrade 1991
1991 Mileta Prodanovic, Between Sign and Narration, Knjizevne Novine No 815
1991 Zoran Markus, On The Trace of Modernism, Politika 18.02.1991
1991 Lidija Merenik, Youth Hall Gallery, Belgrade
1990 Lidija Merenik, XXII youth Salon, One Segment of The Belgrade’s Sculpture, Scene, Zagreb
1989 Marko Kratohvil, Gallery of The Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade
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